About Me

I was born and raised in Padova, Italy, a beautiful medieval city where I lived until completing my university degree in physics. As the first in my family to attend university, I was fortunate to have a world-class institution right at my doorstep, making higher education accessible. My curiosity about the world expanded after spending a summer in London, working in hospitality, honing my English, and gaining an appreciation for British culture—a passion especially fuelled by a close friend during my teenage years. During my degree in Padova, I had the opportunity to spend an exchange year at the University of Edinburgh, where I delved deeper into physics while being captivated by British culture. After completing my master’s in physics in Padova, I returned to Edinburgh to pursue a PhD—a move that felt almost inevitable after broadening my worldview and recognising a better approach to work. My time in Scotland was both academically enriching and personally rewarding.
Just weeks after completing my PhD and returning from Scotland, I got married, and my wife, with incredible patience and care, has accompanied me on all my professional adventures. Our journey took us to the USA and then back to the UK, where I joined one of the world’s leading institutions in my field, ECMWF. During this time, we welcomed our first two children. We later moved to Australia, where our youngest son was born. After a brief return to the UK to establish the World Energy & Meteorology Council and Inside Climate Service —two key milestones in my career—we settled back in Australia. Here, we continue our adventure, driving forward innovation and dissemination in climate and energy.

Alberto Troccoli

Research interests

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A descriptive paragraph that tells clients how good you are and proves that you are the best choice that they’ve made.

My favourite aphorisms

Lorenzo de’ Medici

It’s a wasted life I fear … not death.


In medio stat virtus (‘virtue stands in the middle’, ‘The Golden Mean’).

Abraham Lincoln

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.

Oscar Wilde

I can resist anything but temptations.

Oscar Wilde

Life is too important to be taken seriously.

Seneca, Epistulae 106.12

Non scholae sed vitae discimus (‘Not for school, but for life do we learn’).


Cum grano salis (‘with a grain of salt’; with caution or incredulity).

Oscar Wilde

Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.

Claudio Baglioni

… e non vogliamo andare in paradiso se li’ non si vede il mare … (‘ … we don’t want to go to heaven if the sea cannot be seen there …’)

My Family

From left: Edward, Charles, Elena,  Jacqueline and I (Dec 2018) 

Alberto Troccoli

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A descriptive paragraph that tells clients how good you are and proves that you are the best choice that they’ve made.

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